11th International Conference Aspects of Neuroscience

XI edition of Aspects of Neuroscience and the Brainhack Warsaw 2023 satellite event won:
the main prize in the 13th edition of the national competition of the Student Scientific Movement „StRuNa” in the category Conference of the Year 2023!
the main prize of Polish Student Project Excellence Award!

Book of abstracts is available here

Professor Lisa Marshall
„Investigations on sleep-associated brain rhythms using exogenous stimuli and optogentics”

PhD Christian Machens
„Coordinated Spike Coding in EI networks”

Professor Laura Andreae
„Activity and noise: wiring the brain”

PhD Daniel McNamee
„The neural microdynamics of cognition”

Professor Marianne Fyhn

PhD Dirk Schubert
„From neurodevelopmental disorder gene to mechanism: generating & phenotyping human neuronal networks in the dish”
PhD David Belin
„There is more to drug addiction than the drug: psychological and neural mechanisms of incentive habits”
- Tomasz Kuliński, Johan Davidsson, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences Division – “Acute-phase electrocorticography in rats exposed to rotational traumatic brain injury”
- Piotr Buczkowicz – “EEG brain activity in ADHD children”
- Karolina Pendrasik, Dominika Świerczewska, Kacper Mazurkiewicz, Michalina Wiwatowska-Ligęza – “Analysis of influence of prenatal exposition to testosterone and serum testosterone level in patients with multiple sclerosis treated with natalizumab and fingolimod.”
- Alicja Olszewska, Maciej Gaca, Dawid Droździel, Agnieszka Widlarz, Aleksandra Herman, Artur Marchewka– “Differential timecourses of functional brain reorganisation in novice pianists”
- Anna Lesniewska, Urszula Górska Ph.D., Marek Binder Ph.D., Małgorzata Hołda Ph.D. – 40Hz ASSR is sensitive to the level of arousal and awareness during natural sleep.
- Marta Chrustowicz, prof. Łukasz Okruszek, mgr Szymon Mąka – Effects of Loneliness on Neurophysiological Correlates of Cognitive Reappraisal Use in Young Adults
- Marta Lotka, Anna Ceglarek, Magdalena Fąfrowicz, Koryna Lewandowska, Tadeusz Marek, Jeremi Ochab, Barbara Sikora-Wachowicz – Functional connectivity estimation from fMRI data: correlation matrix estimation method matters.
- Ewelina Turczak, Nina Härtwich, Reinhard König, Patrick J. C. May, Cezary Sielużycki – Optimising the connectivity pattern within auditory cortex: An evolutionary approach.
- Agata Kozioł, David López Pérez, Zuzanna Laudańska, Anna Malinowska-Korczak, Karolina Babis, Oleksandra Mykhailova, Hana D’Souza, Przemysław Tomalski – Motor overflow during reaching in infancy: quantification of limb movement using Inertial Motion Units
- Aleksandra Nogaj, Kinga Przybylska, Aleksandra Trenk, Anna Guguła and Anna Błasiak –The role of nucleus incertus originating innervation and relaxin-3/RXFP3 signaling in modulating ventral hippocampus activity – anatomical, neurochemical and electrophysiological studies in rats
- Katarzyna Hryniewiecka, Marcin Lipiec, Magdalena Majkowska, Suelen Baggio, Ewa Kublik, Marta Wiśniewska – Validation of a new mouse model for autism spectrum disorder
Bernadeta A. Pietrzak , Andrzej Łach, Agnieszka Wnuk, Karolina Przepiórska, Małgorzata Kajta – Non-nuclear estrogen receptors targeting as a novel neuroprotective strategy against amyloid-β-induced neurotoxicity
- Jadwiga Irena Zymer – “The role of GABAergic system disruption in ASD: Evidence and clinical implications”
- Nina Niewińska – “The Neuroprotective Potential of Hericium erinaceus: A Review of Current Research”
- mgr Rozalia Żak – “Sensory – motor fusion and vergence exercises using the virtual reality head mounted display”
- Dominika Świerczewska – „Importance of psychiatric manifestation – case series of autoimmune encephalitis with anti-LGI-1 antibodies”
- Jan Skorupski– “Predictors of EEG Neurofeedback Efficacy: A Literature Review”
- Monika Malon, Katarzyna Gajos – “Lonely and selfish? A meta-analysis of 32 studies with 42,353 participants.”
- Anna Warchoł-Jakubowska – “Comparison of the visual attention of novice and expert tram drivers. Eye-tracking analysis of eye movement during the observation of driving on a tram simulator.”
- Magdalena Stanczyk – „Relationships between temporal information processing in tens and hundreds milliseconds”
- Klaudia Krystecka, Magdalena Stanczyk, Elzbieta Szelag, Anna Bombinska, Aneta Szymaszek – „Relationships in temporal information processing between millisecond and second time domains: evidence from behavioural and electrophysiological tasks”
- Ibrahim Vefa Arslan, Khulkar Rashidova Monika Tutaj, Przemysław Blimel, Natalia Jakubowska – „Role of VWM in Playing Real-Time Strategy Games”
- Weronika Nieciecka, Stanisław Adamczyk, Patryk Szczeciński, Natalia Jakubowska, Paulina Lewandowska – „Neurophysiological components of visual search in video-game skill acquisition.”
- Małgorzata Paczyńska, Łukasz Bola, Marta Urbaniak, Maria Kossowska – „Decoding spoken words in the early visual cortex of congenitally blind and sighted individuals”
- Agata Antoniak – „How complex should e-commerce websites be? Usability and cognitive capabilities of users”
- Daria Makurat, Martyna Olszewska – „The impact of the dynamism of painting images on the aesthetic experience of viewers- research proposal”
- Martyna Olszewska, Ewa Ratajczak – „Neurocognitive correlates of the emotions – creativity link (research proposal)”
- Olgierd Borowiecki – „Dopaminergic-based memory encoding in mammals.”
- Patrycja Śmiechowska – „Neuroaesthetics- the correlates of experiencing beauty”
- Jakub Skałbania, Łukasz Tanajewski, Marcin Furtak, Marek Wypych – „Pre-stimulus fluctuations in ventral tegmental area affect self-control performance”
- Joanna Wąsowicz, Robert Balas, PhD – „Evaluative Conditioning: examining the nature of attitude acquisition and change.”
- Patrycja Ściślewska – „Overall impact of chronotype on personal traits, brain function and anatomy”
- Gabriela Puchała, Karol Krzemiński – „Visual strategies crucial for error detection in radiology”
- Greta Front, Kamil Strzałkowski – „How eye-tracking develops multimedia learning?”
- Diana Glebowicz, Marta Giziewska, Agnieszka Motyka – „EEG-based Gender Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks”
- Adam Datta, Agata Kulesza, Sylwia Bednarek, Marcello Rosa, Piotr Majka – „Towards the observer-independent analyses of cytoarchitectural properties of the mammalian cerebral cortex”
- Agata Kulesza, dr Piotr Majka, prof. Jarosław Żygierewicz, Sylwia Bednarek – „Deep learning approaches to the identification of cortical areas in the mammalian brain”
- Patryk Szczeciński, Magda Leszko, Katarzyna Wisiecka, Krzysztof Krejtz, Izabela Krejtz – „A new look at the scanpaths”
- Urszula Baranowska – „How can Big Data tools help Neuroscience? – a short review of opportunities and challenges related to using Big Data tools in Neuroscience”
- Sylwia Adamus, Małgorzata Draps, Krzysztof Bielski, Mateusz Gola – „Exploring the potential of Recurrence Quantification Analysis in neuropsychiatric research”
- Julia Jakubowska – „EEG signal pathologies classification using NLP methods”
- Julia Netczuk – „Therapeutic potential of n-acetyl-l-cysteine in the treatment of body-focused repetitive behaviours.”
- Andrzej Łach, Agnieszka Wnuk, Bernadeta Angelika Pietrzak, Karolina Przepiórska, Małgorzata Kajta –”Prenatal exposure to benzophenone-3 induces neurotoxic and transgenerational effects on mouse brain tissues”
- Maurycy Stempniewski – „The relationship between brain temperature and temperament traits from the Regulative Theory of Temperant”
- Zuzanna Rauk, Wojciech Kosiek; Małgorzata Duda; Grzegorz Tylko; Zuzanna Setkowicz-Janeczko – „Can keto diet save the brain? The effect of the ketogenic diet on injury related neuropathological changes.”
- Szymon Kantor, Agnieszka Drzał; Martyna Elas; Krzysztof Janeczko – „Activation profile of the rat brain nitrergic system in response to experimentally induced seizures”
- Barbara Pijet-Binkiewicz, Agnieszka Kostrzewska-Księżyk, Maja Pijet-Kucicka, Leszek Kaczmarek, Magdalena Kania, Anna Krause – „Pharmacological inhibition of MMP-9 enzyme activity improves animal recovery and affects neuronal excitability after ischemic stroke”
- Agnieszka Kostrzewska-Księżyk, Barbara Pijet, Maja Pijet-Kucicka, Emilia Rejmak, Magdalena Kania, Anna Krause, Leszek Kaczmarek – „Pharmacokinetics and molecular mechanism of action of MMP-9 inhibitor PKL-021 in ischemic stroke model”
- Gabriela Czerniak – Gabriela Czerniak – „Ocean cells and their importance in specific-context encoding of episodic memory”
- Anna Ciejka – „Cerebellar Abnormalities in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Theoretical Review.”
- Wiktoria Podolecka – Jacek Wróbel, Mark Hunt – „Ketamine-dependent HFO in the rat brain are driven by changes in nasal air pressure”
- Joanna Roszkowska – Drwięga G, Walczak M, Pradel K, Gorkowska M, Błasiak T – „Innervation of midbrain dopaminergic neurons by the nucleus incertus of the brainstem – electrophysiological and anatomical studies in rats.”
- Liliana Kozłowska, Dr Justyna Nawrocka – „Neurobiological effects of ayahuasca and its potential for therapeutic use”
- Anna Świętek – „Fecal Microbiota Transplantation as a way of treating neurological disorders”
- Magdalena Sobień, Marcin Barański, Monika Pawłowska, Leszek Kaczmarek, Marzena Stefaniuk – „Challenges in brain imaging using light-sheet microscopy”
- Karolina Przepiórska, Agnieszka Wnuk, Bernadeta A. Pietrzak, Andrzej Łach, Małgorzata Kajta – „Amorfrutin B evokes neuroprotection against hypoxia/ischemia through inhibition of apoptosis and oxidative stress”
- Gabriela Burda, Katarzyna Maziarz and Piotr Chmielarz – „Formation of α -synuclein inclusions in primary hippocampal neurons as a model for investigating pathways protecting against pathological protein aggregation”
- Izabela Łaska, Karolina Szklanny – Sleep, obesity and how they are related
- Klara Szweda, Adam Wojtas, Agnieszka Bysiek, Krystyna Gołembiowska – „The effects of acute psilocybin administration on neurotransmission in rats frontal cortex”
- Aleksander Wołek – „Salience network dysfunction in schizophrenia”
- Karolina Nowalińska – „New findings on the reward’s role in alleviating depressive-like behaviors – projections from the substantia innominata to the lateral habenula”
- Emilia Goszczyńska – „Hippocampal organoids and limitations to research on human brain organoids”
- Joanna Doliwa – „SARS-CoV-2 on the Clock. The Interplays Between Circadian Rhytmicity and Viral Infections.”
- Karolina Bogaj, Joanna Urban-Ciećko – „Modulation of VIP-expressing interneurons via GABAbRs in layer 2/3 of rodent primary somatosensory cortex”
- Karolina Przyborowicz, Marta Klimczak, Klaudia Misiołek, Magdalena Chrószcz, Łukasz Szumiec, Maria Kaczmarczyk-Jarosz, Barbara Ziółkowska, Julia Netczuk, Rafał Ryguła, Jan Rodriguez Parkitna, Zofia Harda – „Changes in the rewarding effects of social interactions with familiar kin during adolescence and their neural correlates”
- Joanna Jędrusik – „The gut-brain-microbiota axis in obesity and weight control”
- Karolina Warzecha, Martyna Paleczna, Justyna Kadłuczka, Dominika Biała, Paweł Żarkowski, Joanna Osika, Barbara Kosmowska, Tomasz Lenda, Joanna Kula, Katarzyna Kuter – „Running Rat Early PD Model”
- Magdalena Kapała, Piotr Wiśniowski, Nikodem Hryniewicz, Marcin Sińczuk, Anna Duszyk-Bogorodzka, Ewa Piątkowska-Janko, Piotr Bogorodzki, Kamila Jankowiak-Siuda – „The role of interoceptive awareness in the empathic reaction to pain”
- Olga Mierniczek, Gniewosz Drwięga, Martyna Gorkowska, Joanna Roszkowska, Gabriela Izowit, Wojciech Solecki, Tomasz Błasiak – „Nucleus incertus responses to an aversive stimulus – electrophysiological and immediate early gene expression studies in the rat”
- Natalia Robak, Agnieszka Dębska PhD – „Association between brain activity during word reading and socio-demographic measures in school-aged children.”
- Gabriela Rajtar, Zofia Szymkowiak – „Influence of gut microbiota dysbiosis on the induction and development of Alzheimer’s disease”
- Natalia Anna Roszkowska, Tomasz Nikołajew, MSc; dr Ksenia Meyza – „The Role of Somatostatin Interneurons in Emotional Contagion Regulation”
Jarosław Żygierewicz, PHD
Biomedical Physics Division, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Piotr Suffczyński, PHD
Biomedical Physics Division, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Maciej Kamiński, PHD
Biomedical Physics Division, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Daniel Wójcik
Laboratory of Neuroinformatics, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS, Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Leonora Bużańska
Mossakowski Medical Research Institute, PAS, Warsaw, Poland
Przemysław Tomalski, PHD
Neurocognitive Development Lab, Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Rafał Czajkowski, PHD
Laboratory of Spatial Memory, Nencki Institut of Experimental Biology PAS, Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Włodzisław Duch
NeuroCognitive Laboratory, Centre for Modern Interdisciplinary Technologies, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland
Kamil Imbir, PHD
Department of Social Psychology, Personality and Emotional Processes, Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Cezary Sielużycki, PHD
Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland
Prof. Piotr Durka
Biomedical Physics Division, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Anna Duszyk – Bogorodzka, PHD
Biomedical Physics Division, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Aleksandra Herman, PHD
Laboratory of Brain Imaging (LOBI), Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences
Ksenia Meyza, PHD
Laboratory of Emotions Neurobiology, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS, Warsaw, Poland
Paweł Holas, PHD
Department of Clinical Neuropsychology and Psychotherapy, Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Jan Kamiński, PHD
Laboratory of Neurophysiology of Mind, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS, Warsaw, Poland
Magdalena Markowska, PHD
Department of Animal Physiology, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Jacek Rogala, PHD
Department of Neurophysiology, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS, Warsaw, Poland
Krzysztof Turzyński, PHD
Institute of Theoretical Physics, Department of Theory of Particles and Elementary Interactions, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Ewelina Knapska, PHD
Laboratory of Emotions Neurobiology, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS, Warsaw, Poland
Michal Bialy, PHD
Department of Experimental and Clinical Physiology, Laboratory of Center for Preclinical Research, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Dariusz Zapała, PHD
Institute of Psychology, Faculty of social sciences, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland
Prof. Katarzyna Cieślak-Blinowska
Biomedical Physics Division, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Natalia Szejko, PHD
Department of Medical Ethics and Palliative Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland